A successful Farm Day

May 17, 2024

Annual Farm Day was a success!

Students from West Valley High School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) recently planned and facilitated our annual Farm Day event for elementary students. The event was hosted at the West Valley Fire Station.

This year, we had over 600 elementary students who participated in the Farm Day with over 60 high school students who volunteered throughout the day. In addition, numerous adult volunteers from schools, community, and local businesses assisted with the event.

Superintendent, Dr. Peter Finch said, “We are very grateful to the West Valley Fire Department for hosting this event each year. And, of course, I am grateful for our high school students for doing such a great job to organize and carry-out the event. It was a great day for our kids.”

Agriscience Teacher and FFA Advisory, Kaitlyn Smith said, “We believe in the future of agriculture, and Farm Day is one way to foster this future by spreading agricultural and career awareness to the youth of Yakima.”

Thank you to all those involved in the planning, sponsorship, and general support of this event!

West Valley Fire Department - Thank you for hosting our West Valley FFA Farm Day event, and for showing the kids your trucks to spark interest in important careers.

Borton Fruit / Kimberly Johns - Thank you for organizing six representatives to run an activity booth and teach the youth about apples.

Susan Bird - Thank you for teaching us and the farm day participants about noxious weeds so we can help in efforts of controlling these plants.

Jed Watters - Thank you for your support in the planning stages of Farm Day, as well as adding an additional trailer ride for our event.

Mindy Berreman - Thank you for organizing additional high school students from the Leadership Class to provide additional activities for our elementary students at this year’s Farm Day event!

WVHS Librarians - Thank you for taking the time to laminate all materials for us!

Coastal - Thank you for allowing us to borrow the panels for our petting zoo pens. Participants love having the animals present, and you help make this possible.

Justin Wright and high school student Kenzie Johnson - Thank you for facilitating the design, printing, and creation of our Farm Day shirts! These helped increase team unity, and looked great for the event!

Steins Ace Hardware - Thank you for running the planting station! Our Farm Day participants were excited to transplant and take home their very own tomato or sunflower. Thank you for also providing a tractor, trailer and driver for the awesome hayride!

Love on a Leash – Thank you for bringing your dogs to this event. The kids and staff enjoyed saying hello, and your pups did such a good job!

Valley Septic - Thank you for the delivery of the bathrooms and hand wash stations.

WVHS Staff - Thank you for letting us take over some of your parking spots for this event.

Ms. Smith concluded, “I would like to recognize and thank all of the wonderful high school students who contributed to Farm Day. They brought animals and materials, created signs and games, set up and took down Farm Day items, assisted volunteers, and did an amazing job running activities and interacting with the younger participants. THANK YOU!”

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High School students from the FFA Club assisted with stations
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Farm Day