Between Oct. 1 and Nov. 29, 2024, students in all grade levels may be referred for possible identification of services for the Highly Capable Program. Click here for more information.
LEARNING is our #1 priority at West Valley Mid-Level campus! We think students' most important reason for attending school is to acquire the attitudes, skills, and information necessary to become a contributing and positive member of society.
Students may come to the library:
Occasionally, we need to close the library for class use or staff meetings. 'Closed' signs will be posted on the doors
When the library is open, students may use a computer to:
Students have personal logins and passwords to access any school computer and "make it their own" for that class period. Students must use school authorized research links. If searching via Google, Bing, etc. students should use an internet evaluation form prior to utilizing information from a website.
Citation Machine:
Reading levels are written on the back cover page of most WVMS books
Library books.example: RL 4.0
These levels are important to each student. Students should read within their reading range or a little above. Students will know their reading range after completing the reading test, which is administered throughout the school year.
WVMS Library owns some Young Adult reading level books. These books may occasionally have mature themes. If parents would like to block their child from checking out these books, please contact Ms. Smart in the library at. (509) 972-5700.
When the book becomes available, the student's name will be written on a paper slip, placed with the book, and placed on the "HOLD" shelf in the library. It is up to the student to look for their title and carry it to the checkout counter before exiting the library. Holds do expire, so please make sure to check the hold shelf every few days.
We encourage WVMS students to primarily check out books from our library, since the reading levels are more age and grade appropriate, but there are special occasions for interlibrary loans.