Mid-Level Campus Academic Competitions
Mar 23, 2024
Mid-Level Campus Academic Competitions
Every year, students from our Mid-Level Campus have the opportunity during the month of March to participate in academic competitions for math, science, spelling, and art.
Whether they're solving equations, conducting experiments, creating masterpieces, or spelling words, our students exemplify dedication, perseverance, and a passion for learning. These competitions not only foster healthy competition but also encourage teamwork, critical thinking, and a love for learning.
Led by teacher, Lexi Davis, our mathletes competed on March 4 in the Mid-Valley Math Competition at Selah that included seven schools and 160 students. Our teams from each grade level worked together to solve math problems of varying complexity. Our sixth-grade team took home first place overall and placed in five out of six categories. Our seventh-grade team placed third in algebra and our eighth-grade team placed in four out of six categories, as well as third overall.
On March 13, teachers Melody Pryor and Renee Berger took a team of students to Ellensburg to compete in the Mid-Valley Spelling Bee. Our spellers took the stage and showed off their linguistic prowess and unwavering determination once again. Sixth grade student, Danaa Chappell, brought home the sixth grade 1st place trophy. Eighth graders Tyson Rood and Eric Abbo-Mott battled it out as they spelled “chronologically.” Tyson brought home third place while Eric earned second place.
Also, on March 13, our art team from the Mid-Level Campus traveled with teacher Tracy Chapple to Prosser to compete in both an individual and a group competition. In the individual category, students had the opportunity to express their unique perspectives and visions through their solo artworks. In the group category, students embraced the spirit of collaboration, working together to bring shared visions to life. This year’s creations along with previous art competition group projects hang in the hallway outside of the art room at the Junior High. Awards recognize student’s use of line, shape, value, texture, color, form, space, and theme. The theme for the competition was Heros and our team’s interpretation earned them Best in Color and the highest honor – Best in Show.
Fueled by curiosity and a passion for discovery, our science team led by teacher Carl Iverson competed in the regional competition in Union Gap on March 20. Our team from the Mid-Level Campus had the opportunity to work together on several scientific challenges and competed against nine other schools. We took second place in the eighth grade division with student Mahommed Hug bringing home the second place plaque. Mr. Iverson stated that he was very proud of how well our team represented our school and community.
As we look to the future, we're excited to see our Mid-Level Campus academic teams continue to thrive and inspire others with their talents and achievements. With their boundless potential and relentless determination, the sky's the limit for these young scholars as they continue to pursue their academic passions and make a lasting impact on the world.